Mazano ekutenga kubva kuS925 silver jewelry vatengesi

Unoda kutanga rako resirivha 925 bhizinesi rezvishongo? Kuvhiringwa neholesale uye kupinza maitiro? Ndokupi kuwana vatengesi vakavimbika? Usave neruzivo rwakawanda pamusoro pezvigadzirwa, hauzive pekutangira uye chii chekudzivisa, tarisa ruzivo pazasi kubva kuFanstyle Jewelry China, iwo matipi ekutenga kubva kuS925 sirivheri zvishongo zvekutengesa, zvinosanganisira zvinhu, magadzirirwo, mutengo, package, import, vatengesi, kukwidziridzwa…

1)   Chii chinonzi Silver 925, nei sirivha 925?

Silver 925, or sterling silver 925, or S925 we normally call it, is the pure or fine silver comprises 92.5% of the mixture and the other 7.5% consists of a different metal, usually copper.

Zvinenge zvisingaite kuve nefashoni zvishongo zvesirivha zvakagadzirwa kubva ku99.9% yakachena nekuti zvirimo zvakapfava zvakanyanya kushandisa wega. Kuti uomese sirivha, sirivha yakachena inosanganiswa nesimbi yakawedzerwa kuitira kuti komboni itsva yakasimba uye yakasimba zvakakwana kuti ishandiswe mukati mekugadzirwa, pamwe nekuita magadzirirwo akasiyana-siyana.

Aya madhizaini akapfava senge cubic zirconia yakavezwa, anogara achida kushandiswa 92.5% sirivheri.


2)   Silver925 jewelry designs from Fanstyle Jewelry China.

Most of the silver925 jewelry from Fanstyle Jewelry are paved with cubic zirconia, check out below designs from us.

3)   Style and collections;

You just saw some designs from us like from above, you may not like our designs, which is quite normal, each designer, each store have their own design, some store sell those classical designs, some sell tiny and delicate designs, some designs are for Hip-hop, some may for young people which respect a free easy freedom life style.

As we have a lot of customers also are online store owner, based on our experience these years, here are some tips:

-Kumagadzirirwo emhando yepamusoro, ayo mazhinji evatengi akaiitira, anodawo kuipfeka muhupenyu hwezuva nezuva, vanhu vazhinji vanoitenga, asi zvakare kune zvakawanda zvezvitoro zvinozvitengesa;

-Kumadhizaini ane akakosha masikirwo zvinhu, chaizvo vazhinji vevatengi vanogona kusazvifarira, kana kuti zvinongoenderana neboka rimwe revanhu, asi kana mutengi wako akatanga kutenga kubva kwauri, ivo vanofarira dhizaini yako, masitayipi ako, saka mutengi uyu anogona kutenga zvakawanda kubva kwauri.

Nenzira, kunyange iwe usingadi magadzirirwo kubva kwatiri, unodawo kugadzira mamwe magadzirirwo, chero bedzi akaitwa nesirivha 925, tinogona kubata.

4)   How to design? What is OEM

OEM is simply means you ask factory make products according to your sample, or your designs, not buy from supplier’s current styles.

Be very honest, most of our customers don’t have design capability, their design is just learn from others, like those big brand, do some changes…I have worked with a lot of brands, even those big brands, they will buy samples from outside, and do some changes or just ask us make it same. So below are several ways for your own style design.

– Kana iwe uchigona kudhirowa, unogona kuzvigadzira wega, kana kuhaya mumwe munhu kuti agadzire dhizaini, asi iva akatendeseka, izvi zvinodhura.

– Iwe unowana mamwe madhizaini aunoda, wobva wangozvitenga uye utitumire kwatiri, isu tichazviita zvakafanana nazvo, kana kune mamwe madhizaini, ingotitumira mamwe mafoto, tinogona kuzviita zvakada kufanana.

–       You make changes on samples, like make the stones bigger, make the color from gold to rhodium, remove some components…

–       Cost of each design are depends on if your design is complicit, like each components we will need to make a mold, and each will cost about $20, if your design with 5 different shape components, then we will have to make 5 molds to make it. By the way, some components like beads, lock, we don’t need to make mold, some already have mold, some buy from others.

-Chimwe chinhu chakakosha ndechekuti, usaise chero mhando kana dhizaini kubva kune iwo makuru mabhureki seLV, Dior, Cartier … H zvinhu zvakaita seHERMES pane dhizaini yako yezvishongo ipapo iwe uchawana dambudziko

5)   Eco Friendly and Testing;

Isu tichagara tine chiyero chekuyedza chezvishongo, misika yega yega kana vatengi vane zvikumbiro zvakasiyana, seWalmart vane yavo yekuyedza chiyero, kuyedza kusanganisira Lead yemukati, Cadmium yemukati, Nickel yemukati, Nickel kuburitswa, Phthalates.

–       Testing standard, most of customers from US and European, only need fulfill first 3 tests, lead free, cadmium free, nickel free. Some markets like Africa, Asian, Middle-east with lower testing standard, some even no such request.

–       Kuedza marabhu, there are lot of testing labs here in China, like CTT, RTS, ITS, SGS…these are international labs, even Wal-Mart trust the result from these labs, also there are some small labs here, which with lower testing charge.

6)   Customized package;

Kune akati wandei marudzi emapakeji akagadziridzwa aunogona kusarudza.

-Akagadziridzwa mabhokisi, ayo ane brand yako uye logo anodhinda zvakananga pairi;

Normally need about 3000 pcs to order, about $0.3 each.

-Yakagadzirirwa kurongedza bhegi, ine yako brand logo kudhinda pairi;

About 3000 pcs to order, but cost is much lower than boxes, about $0.02 each.

-Gadzira chinamira, icho chine brand logo yako pachiri;

Tinogona kungotenga mabhokisi pasina chero logo, iyo inogona kutenga mudiki qty, tobva tagadzira sticker, toisa sticker pabhokisi.

–       Price sticker if you need.

7)   Pricing strategy, Cost;

You may also confuse about how to pricing, what will be your appropriate profit, check with some local store, see what is the price they sell, then compare with your cost. when you check your cost, you will need to consider below subjects:

– Mutengo wekuvandudza, senge dhizaini, mold …

– Zvigadzirwa mutengo, kazhinji fekitori inokutumira EXW kana FOB mutengo;

-Mutengo wekutumira, ngarava kuburikidza negungwa, kuburikidza nemhepo kana kuburikidza nekutaura, mutengo wakasiyana;

–       The import tax, each country with different policy, for some small value order, even don’t need;

-Mutengo wako wekusimudzira.

8)   Where to find the suitable suppliers;

Mazuvano kune nzira dzakawanda dzaungawane mupi akanaka webhizinesi rako.

– Ingo google iyo, iwe unowana akawanda ekutengesa ipapo;

–       Use some B2B platform, like AlibabaYakagadzirwa-mu-ChinaGo4worldbusiness… unogona kuwana vatengesi vakawanda kubva papuratifomu iyi.

-Kunobva pane iyo social media network, senge YouTubeFacebookPinterestInstagramReddit , vatengesi vazhinji vanewo account pane aya network.

Chero nzira, kana iwe uchida mutengesi weOEM yezvishongo zvako zvefashoni, zvishongo zvepati, zvishongo zvesirivha … unogamuchirwa kuti utarise nesu. Fanstyle Jewelry China, ichi ndicho chimwe chezvikonzero nei ndakanyora chinyorwa ichi.

Also just to remind you that, you will always find a cheaper price supplier, a better quality products, do not expect your supplier with cheapest price, best quality, best service… otherwise you will feel struggle in your business, and this will drive your supplier crazy, most important is find the one who you are happy to work with, feel reliable, not the best but suitable.

9)   Why same design from different suppliers with big price different?

Iwe unogona tarisa kune akati wandei mafekitori ezvishongo kuti uenzanise mutengo, mutengesi kubva kuChina, India, Thailand… uye iwe uchavhiringika kuti sei dhizaini yakafanana nemutengo wakakura zvakasiyana, hezvino zvimwe zvinhu zvinokanganisa mutengo:

-Mutengesi uyu anoshandisa sirivha chaiyo ye92.5%, mamwe mafekitori anogona kushandisa 80% sirivheri yausingazive, uye kazhinji haungazviyedze mushure mekugamuchirwa, saka kana ukawana mumwe mutengesi tengesa S925 zvishongo nemutengo wakaderera kwazvo, chenjera;

– Kupedzisa kuri sei, iko polish iri pamusoro yakanaka zvakakwana, inopenya uye yakatsetseka?

–       What is the plating, is the genuine gold or imitation gold, genuine rhodium or imitation rhodium? rhodium plating cost increase a lot since last year, some customers asked us use Platinum to instead, which will make cost lower;

–       The thickness of plating layer, which will make the cost with big different;

– Kana zvigadzirwa zvakaiswa ne-anti-tarnish dziviriro, uyu zvakare mubhadharo kufekitori.

10) Tips on import;

Nyoresa nhamba yemutero webhizinesi. Iwe unozoda izvi kuti utengese kunze, kana iwe uchisema kubata nyaya dzetsika iwe pachako, funga kuhaya ane ruzivo bhuroka rekutenga kwako kwekutanga.

Ita shuwa kuti ma invoice akajeka uye akazara kuitira kuti zvinhu zvako zvibviswe netsika nekukurumidza. Unogonawo kutarisa neDhipatimendi rekwaunogara kuti uwane ruzivo rwese, uye zvinodikanwa kuti uzive zvekupinza usati waisa odha kumutengesi.


11)  Order process;

Kune iwo makuru mabhureki, ita odha inopindirana, tora nguva yakareba uye akawanda maitiro, ari pazasi:

– Ronga kubhadhara pasi;

-Gadzira pre-kugadzirwa sampuli, kazhinji isu tinodaidza PP sampuro;

–       After pp sample approved, production will be proceed.

–       Some of customers also need a sample send to testing lab;

– Mushure mekugadzirwa kwapera, tumira sampu yekugadzira kune mutengi;

–       Customers approval the production sample, then arrange the balance payment;

– Mushure mekugamuchira chiyero, isu tichaita kuendesa.

Aya ndiwo maitiro akaomesesa ekuodha, vazhinji vevatengi havashande izvo, chete kune iwo makuru mabhureki seWal-Mart… sezvo zvese izvi zviri mutengo, tora nguva nemari. Vazhinji vevatengi vanongotumira foto kana masampuli, tibvunze isu tiite zvakafanana, wobva waronga muripo wounza… ndizvozvo!

12) Zvimwe zvekushandisa;

Below are some other information and knowledge you may interested.

–      What is drop shipping;

–       Ndarama yakazadzwa kana kuti yakanamirwa nendarama, zvinorevei?

–       Zvakanakira Kutenga Kwehupenyu.

–       WeChat, kutumira mameseji uye social media app inowanzoshandiswa nevashambadzi veChinese;

–       What is sterling silver and what does 925 means?

–       Direct factory or trading company, guide for your online business supplier sourcing.

–       Anti-Tarnish dziviriro uye kuyedzwa paMitation / fashoni zvishongo

–       Silver 925 Jewelry Sterling Silver Jewelry Making Process

–       Modhi yekugadzira yeYiwu Jewelry inogadzira

OK, these are all we want to share with you for your silver925 jewelry business, hope this can help you, and if you are interested working with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us by below



Whatsapp / Wechat: +86 18857996328